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NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs NordicTrack T Series 9.5S

Here is our side-by-side comparison of the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and the T Series 9.5 S treadmills.

Note: We have updated our comparison to include the latest models of NordicTrack for 2023! These latest versions come with some new features, improvements, and changes.

NordicTrack Commercial 1750
NordicTrack T 9.5 S

The Nordic Track Commercial 1750 is one of the best treadmills you can buy around $2000. It has an extra large running area, a 3.5 CHP motor, and a 14-inch  iFit Coach ready console with tilt and pivot.  You can set the incline and decline angle between -3%  to  +12% degrees with quick Incline/Decline Control.

The NordicTrack T 9.5S  has a large 20″ x 60″ tread belt with FlexSelect cushioning, a 2.75 CHP commercial motor. You can set the incline up to  +12% degrees with quick Incline/Decline Control. It has a maximum user capacity of 300 lbs and has a large 14-inch touchscreen.

NordicTrack 1750 vs T Series 9.5 S, Key Differences:

  • The Commercial 1750 has a more powerful motor than the T Series 9.5 S.
  • The Commercial 1750 has a wider belt.
  • Commercial 1750 has the ability to decline down to -3%, while the T Series 9.5 S only supports incline and does not feature a decline option.
  • Both treadmills have a 14″ touchscreen display, but the Commercial 1750’s screen offers tilt and pivot functionality.
  • The Commercial 1750’s dimensions are 80″ L x 38″ W x 65″ H, while the T Series 9.5 S has dimensions of 79.5″ L x 35.5″ W x 65″ H. The Commercial 1750 is slightly larger.

The Commercial 1750 stands out with its robust 3.5 CHP motor and the ability to not only incline but also to decline ( -3%), offering a more varied and intensive workout. It is loaded with features like a 14″ Tilt & Pivot HD Touchscreen, ActivePulse Technology, AutoAdjust Technology, Google Maps Workout Technology and dual Wi-Fi connectivity. It is designed for comfort with its AutoBreeze fan and a well-cushioned 20″ x 60″ tread belt. However, some may find the deck narrow for a treadmill in this class and the incline range (12%) is slightly less than previous version which was 15%.

On the other hand, the T Series 9.5 S has a smaller 2.75 CHP motor and a 12% incline, making it a bit less powerful but still able to deliver a good workout. It too has a 20″ x 60″ tread belt and includes features like a 14-inch touchscreen display with iFit® Coach, FlexSelect cushioning, AutoBreeze workout fan, and an Auxiliary Music Port.
Both models offers Bluetooth heart rate connectivity, but it is not included with the purchase. 

Both models offer Bluetooth heart rate connectivity, but this is not included with the purchase. Each treadmill supports a user weight capacity of up to 300 lbs.

Spec Comparison

NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack T 9.5S

Running Area

When choosing a treadmill consider how you will use the treadmill mostly and the space available in your room. An 18-inch belt is suitable for walking. For runners, we recommend  20 inches or wider.

The length of a belt can vary from 50” to 65”.  55 inches will work for most people but, if you’re taller than 6 feet go longer.

22″ x 60″

20″ x 60″


Foldable treadmills allow you to fold up the machine in seconds and store away to conserve space. Both treadmills are easy to fold up.

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Folded
The NordicTrack T 9.5S Folded

Motor Power (HP)

The more power a treadmill motor has the faster it’ll be at changing speeds. We recommended treadmills with a motor of at least 2.5 horsepower or more.


Maximum Weight Capacity (LBS)


Maximum Speed (MPH)

Today there are many entry-level treadmills that reach 12 mph. 10 mph is the minimum speed for running, but we recommend you to get one that can reach 12 mph.


Incline, Decline Features

-3% – 12%, automatic incline.

0 – 12%, automatic incline.

Heart Rate Monitor

Knowing your heart rate during a workout is important for maximum fitness benefits. Today we have many methods to measure our heart rate, but a built-in heart rate monitor has other advantages, like heart rate oriented workout programs.

It supports Bluetooth heart rate monitoring but it is not included. It does not have built-in pulse grips.

EKG Grip Pulse heart rate monitor. It supports Bluetooth heart rate monitoring but one is not included.

Console and Display Properties

The NordicTrack 1750 has a 14” Smart Tilt and Pivot HD Touchscreen that allows you to go between workout programs, check your calorie and distance, watch TV, check your email, etc. It is iFit compatible. 

The T 9.5 S  has a 14-inch HD Display, Bluetooth connectivity, and 2 digitally amplified speakers.

Touch Screen

Cooling Fan

Tech-Features and Connectivity

  • iFit Live Technology Compatible
  • Workout routes powered by Google Maps
  • 14” Smart Tilt and Pivot HD Touchscreen, iFit coach ready
  • Bluetooth audio capabilities
  • 14″ HD Touchscreen Display
  • Bluetooth® Connectivity
  • Digitally Amplified Speakers
  •  iFit


Both models have the same warranty as follows:

  • 10-Year FrameWarranty
  • 2-Year Parts Warranty
  • 1-Year Labor Warranty

When choosing your new treadmill, consider factors such as motor power, incline range, technological features, and comfort. If the treadmill will be used heavily, or if you’re interested in more advanced touchscreen, or a wider incline/decline range, the Commercial 1750 may be a better fit. However, if you’re on a tighter budget or prefer a more compact footprint, the T Series 9.5 S may be a better option.